  • Creepy Kids in Creepy Vintage Ads

    Attention to all those aged between 55 and 110 in the US: I’ve figured out your secret. You had an incredibly peculiar childhood. Despite living in 2014, pretending life is ordinary, your early years were far from typical. They were odd. And so were you. That’s the only way to describe it. I’ve spent the

    Attention to all those aged between 55 and 110 in the US: I’ve figured out your secret. You had an incredibly peculiar childhood. Despite living in 2014, pretending life is ordinary, your early years were far from typical. They were odd. And so were you. That’s the only way to describe it. I’ve spent the

  • 2024-05-30

    When you refer to yourself as “me,” you likely have a clear understanding of what that entails. It’s one of the most apparent aspects of your existence—something you’ve grasped since a very young age. While you may ponder the question, “Who am I?” the real puzzle lies in the aspect of “who am”—the “I” part

    When you refer to yourself as “me,” you likely have a clear understanding of what that entails. It’s one of the most apparent aspects of your existence—something you’ve grasped since a very young age. While you may ponder the question, “Who am I?” the real puzzle lies in the aspect of “who am”—the “I” part

  • Meet Your Ancestors (All of Them)

    When was the last time you paused to ponder about: – Why am I here? – How did I inherit my looks? – What is the origin of the genes that define me and my existence? If we trace these genes back far enough, do we uncover peculiarities that would require quirky illustrations to explain?

    When was the last time you paused to ponder about: – Why am I here? – How did I inherit my looks? – What is the origin of the genes that define me and my existence? If we trace these genes back far enough, do we uncover peculiarities that would require quirky illustrations to explain?

  • 2024-05-20

    This is Part 1 of a four-part series on Elon Musk’s companies. __________ PDF and ebook options: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline viewing (see a preview here), and an ebook containing the whole four-part Elon Musk series: ___________ Last month, I got a surprising phone call. Elon Musk,

    This is Part 1 of a four-part series on Elon Musk’s companies. __________ PDF and ebook options: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline viewing (see a preview here), and an ebook containing the whole four-part Elon Musk series: ___________ Last month, I got a surprising phone call. Elon Musk,

  • 2024-05-15

    Great way to get a feel for just how colossal a galaxy really is. ...

    Great way to get a feel for just how colossal a galaxy really is. ...

  • 2024-05-10

    When a post takes longer than expected, there’s always slow motion GIFs to save the day. ...

    When a post takes longer than expected, there’s always slow motion GIFs to save the day. ...

  • 2024-05-05

    Note: This is Part 2. Part 1 (Washington to Lincoln) is here. ___________ Last year, an article titled The American Presidents—Washington to Lincoln was published. Washington to Lincoln were prominent figures, along with legends like Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Jackson. They witnessed the birth of the constitution, the expansion from 13 East Coast colonies to

    Note: This is Part 2. Part 1 (Washington to Lincoln) is here. ___________ Last year, an article titled The American Presidents—Washington to Lincoln was published. Washington to Lincoln were prominent figures, along with legends like Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Jackson. They witnessed the birth of the constitution, the expansion from 13 East Coast colonies to

  • 2024-04-30

    I’ve always been curious about how people are distributed around the world. The distribution is not uniform – this map illustrates areas with high population density (dark colors) and those with low density (light colors): Specifically, East Asian countries are densely populated, to the extent that there’s this astounding fact: (Note: Parts of Malaysia and

    I’ve always been curious about how people are distributed around the world. The distribution is not uniform – this map illustrates areas with high population density (dark colors) and those with low density (light colors): Specifically, East Asian countries are densely populated, to the extent that there’s this astounding fact: (Note: Parts of Malaysia and

  • Medieval People In Bad Situations

    Medieval society was marked by various hardships. The suppression by the church, barbarian invasions, the crusades, brutal torture, and the devastating Black Plague were part of everyday life. To provide a glimpse into the challenging conditions of that era, let’s explore the art of the time to witness these struggles firsthand. The following depictions are

    Medieval society was marked by various hardships. The suppression by the church, barbarian invasions, the crusades, brutal torture, and the devastating Black Plague were part of everyday life. To provide a glimpse into the challenging conditions of that era, let’s explore the art of the time to witness these struggles firsthand. The following depictions are

  • 2024-04-20

    In case you missed it, here’s a summary of the second presidential debate: Martha Raddatz: Hello, I’m Martha. Anderson Cooper: And I’m Anderson. We’re your moderators for tonight. Martha: We remind the audience to maintain silence throughout the debate. The format includes questions from audience members. Let’s begin with Patrice Brock. Audience Question: Is the

    In case you missed it, here’s a summary of the second presidential debate: Martha Raddatz: Hello, I’m Martha. Anderson Cooper: And I’m Anderson. We’re your moderators for tonight. Martha: We remind the audience to maintain silence throughout the debate. The format includes questions from audience members. Let’s begin with Patrice Brock. Audience Question: Is the
